Blog Archives

The Truth Spoken in Love

There is a trend in much of the western Church these days:  “All or nothing.”
Either I embrace everybody, including all religions, choices and lifestyles as true….
I reject people, based on their beliefs, identification, words and actions.
Me?  I say neither of these is biblical.
Jesus definitely met people where they were; yet he didn’t accept their choices out of hand.  He told the woman caught in adultery, “Go.  Sin no more.”  That was after he confronted her accusers and refused to condemn her.  He told the rich young ruler, whom he loved, to sell everything he had and “come, follow me.”
He accepted the offering of tears and ointment from a woman known to be “a sinner.”  His reply to the teachers of the law indicated that he forgave her for all she had done.
When the woman who had come to the well in Samaria encountered Jesus, her life was changed.  He totally read her mail; yet did not condone her lifestyle.  He addressed her as a real person – likely an experience she had not had in her whole lifetime.

I can accept anybody as a person, created and loved by God.
I can – and do well to – disagree with all that is not biblical and true.
One road leads to Heaven; not all of them.
One God is true; not whatever or whomever someone decides to glorify.
Sin is sin; idols are idols.

I have heard more than one source say that love means I accept people, behavior and all.
No.  Love means I accept the person and speak truth to him or her.

Are you looking for abundant, healthy, eternal life?
Give your heart to Jesus:  The Way, The Truth, The Life.

Now Is a Good Time


A large number of prophetic words have to do with 2017 being a year of breakthrough.  many are saying that those who have waited for years to receive answers to prayers will finally get them; hopes and dreams are being awakened; upgrades are coming.

I say, now is a good time for that!

What words have you personally received, either from the Holy Spirit directly or through a person?  Now is a good time to claim them

What have you asked God for?  Healing?  Salvation of loved ones?  Now is a good time to pray, believing.

What is God’s call on your life?  Now is a good time to walk in it.

Does it seem especially dark?  The news certainly communicates that.  Now is a good time to “Arise and shine” – Light is much easier to see in darkness.

Now is a good time to walk closely with the Living God.  He is good; his love endures forever; he has wonderful plans for you.  Trust, obey, believe, receive!

Jesus, teach us to ask as big as your answers and to reach as high as you reach.  Thank you.  Amen.

That’s Good News

The Gospel of Christ is greater than any tradition or bent we could possibly come up with.
It reaches higher, deepr and farther than conservitivism, progressivism, liberalism, communism, socialism, libertarianism, greenism and all other isms.


The Good News is this:
God loves each of us.  It doesn’t matter who, where or what you are; Time in history is of no consequence.


He wants every single person to be saved; He is not willing that any should perish.  Yes, that even means progressives, communists, socialists and all of the other ists!
God’s love reaches to every income bracket, from the welthiest, most powerful people in the world to those who have absolutely nothing.


Jesus doesn’t fit in any box; yet he is present in every last one of them, even yours!


He has every resource you willever need.


Now, that’s Good News!!

2 Peter 3:9
John 3:16-17
Psalm 139
Matthew 18:14

The Refuge

There is a refuge from chaos and strife,
Where all can receive abundant life.
A place where peace and joy prevail;
And all are embraced, even when they fail.


This refuge is built on intimate love,
Sealed by the Son of God above.
The King of kings and Lord of lords;
Who redeems and saves us, heals and restores.


But how will people ever come to know
This is a place where they can go,
Unless we live to show the way
By being God’s expression every day?


The living refuge is alive and well,
Standing against the gates of Hell.
Pointing the way so all come in,
To the Refuge where they are born again.


Chaos may increase and the storms will brew,
But peace abides in God most true.
Let us give thanks to His great Name,
Yesterday, today, forever the same.

What Does It Mean?

What does it mean to you;
How does it make a difference?
Knowing that God is ever present;
That He is the Almighty One
Who protects and provides?


Knowing God’s wisdom is  infinite;
He sticks closer than a brother;
Who comforts and counsels?


Knowing that you are loved perfectly;
Now, in every way and forever;
He always draws you closer?


What does it mean to you?
How have you changed,
Being born of the Spirit;
A child in God’s household;
Son and daughter of the Most High?


In a word, everything;
Each heartbeat and breath;
All thoughts and feelings;
Expectancies and perceptions.


It means that in Him
We live and move;
In Him we have our being;
He is our Source and Goal.


To God be all glory;
Every song of praise;
Blessing and adoration;
To You, oh Lord;
To Your Name always!


Jesus, you are healer:
Every injury and disease
Of spirit, soul and body
Must yield to your loving hand.


Jesus, you are Savior:
Every part of darkness
That would seek to imprison
Shatters in your presence.


Jesus, you are Redeemer:
All things and every person
Who was hopelessly lost
Has been found and ransomed by you.


Jesus, you are my All in all:
Every day, thought, circumstance;
Even my very being
Is hidden in you.


Jesus, because you are God
And we belong to you,
We are new creations;
Vessels filled with your very presence.


Thank you.


(Based on Matthew 5:16)


In the darkness of night
And the tumolt of storm;
When violence threatens
To bring in harm,
Let your light shine;
Let it be bright
the most troubling darkness
Can’t stand in the light.


In deepest of sorrow
And perplexity strong;
When heaviness tries
To steal your song,
Let your light shine
Lift your lamp high;
Deliverance is coming;
Salvation is nigh.


Oh, God’s precious people,
Who are called in His Name,
You are made holy;
You’re not the same;
Let your light shine
So others see
The Lord’s wonderful goodness;
To Him be glory!


The thermostat on my wall
Just seems to hang out there
Withno concern at all;
It hasn’t a single care.


Unlike the thermometer
Tracking inside and out:
Thermostat controls the heat:
That’s what it’s all about.


So it is with God’s elect,
Called to change atmospere;
To have a profound effect
On people far and near.


We are not called to follow
The fads that come along;
But as we God to all show,
We strengthen the Spirit’s song.


So rise up each righteous one:
Let Jesus shine through you;
As brightly as the sun,
In God’s glorious love and truth.


This is what Psalm 91 guarantees us.  Each declaration is written in the first person; feel free to read it aloud to yourself and your household:
God is my refuge.  I trust in Him and am safe.
God’s faithful promises are my armor and protection.
God’s huge, outstretched arms protect me; under them, I am perfectly safe.
He fends off all harm.
Even though others succumb all around me, I will be safe.
Evil can’t get close to me; harm can’t get through the door.
God commands His angels to protect me wherever I go.
His angels catch me and keep me from falling.
God gives me the best of care.
God is at my side in the hardest of times.
My God rescues and honors me.
God gives me a long life.
He gives me a long drink of salvation.
And one from Psalm 112:
My heart is secure.
(Developed from the Message Bible’s translation of Psalms 91 and 112)


Moment by moment;
Day by day;
Leaving the past behind
As I follow your way.


Hearing and listening,
Word by word;
Receiving instruction;
Rehearsing all I’ve heard.


Walking with you, Lord,
Hand in hand;
With brothers and sisters,
Bringing you to the land.


Heartbeat by heartbeat;
Breath by breath;
It’s you whom we follow;
To the heights and the depths.


Spirit to spirit;
Soul to soul;
The way, the truth, the life;
You, Jesus, make us whole.